Thursday, 4 December 2008

Storyline for my own Film Noir opening:

The film is about a man wrapped in mystery, he also has some sort of superhuman abilities (no flying just a bit stronger, faster). He is targeting, (what the audience think is random men) however at the end they find out they are all scientists (4), who were on a genetic engineering program. This man is the main character, and is always covered in dark clothes, the only true defining feature are his yellow/golden eyes. The plot is one of those search for the truth ones, our hero (or villain) finds a scientist extracts information from him/her and then kills them so that they can’t tell the others, (this doesn’t completely prevent, that and like 2 people have protection, thus having a bit of action) As this is happening the main characters mental state is slowly deteriorating and obviously at the end he completely losses after finding out the truth.
To prove that his mental health is deteriorating there would be nightmares, illusions, that sort of thing, obviously increasing as the film progresses. The final truth is that he was engineered to see if humans could force evolution onto ourselves, however when he was created and freed he destroyed the facility due to his insanity. The scenes would jump from docks, a city, a desert and finally ending at a new facility. The ending scene shows the ruins of the new facility, fires, it’s raining, and the camera will look up, a voice will be heard, begging and pleading from behind, so the audience will see through the eyes of this dying person. The main character will be standing above, eyes gleaming in the dark, he lifts his foot then crashes down on the audience, obviously hitting this person and the screen goes completely black.

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